Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Mexico's Political Future: Transition To What?

I was reading up on the political history of Mexico when I came upon this quote that really struck a chord:

"The obvious truth about Mexico...is that one system is falling apart on us, but we have no other system to put in its place" - CARLOS FUENTES

I liked this quote because when discussing developing countries it is so easy to criticize thier political situations without taking all factors into consideration. Especially in the past few years, even in countries not in Latin America like Iraq or Afganistan, it is important to realize how hard it is to change a government and what it takes to make a change that drastic!

1 comment:

Huck said...

I, too, find this quotation by Carlos Fuentes to be very revealing, but in a different way. There is clearly a bit of the traditional Mexican fatalism and helplessness in this sentiment. Fuentes is suggesting that Mexico is either internally incapable of filling the void by itself, or it is unable to overcome the external obstacles that prevent it from implementing its own replacement system. In either case, it is not a very hopeful attitude, and this is perhaps the fatal flaw of the Mexican psyche.