Friday, January 21, 2005

Liberal Developmentalism

It is dangerous to link or equate the words "Western" and "Modern". If this happens, Non-Western regions will forever be linked to the opposite of modern, "traditional"(or "backwards" in the worst case scenario). Latin American countries continue to make tremendous political and economic strides and gain clout on the world stage. Development doesn't have to come at the expense of losing native culture and tradition. The influence of Western values and institutions are inevitable in our globalizing world, but that does not necessarily mean they should be held as a paradigm of perfection. We want to see Brazilian Modern and Mexican Modern, based on each nation-states own unique terms and values.

1 comment:

Huck said...

And to those who would argue the point, I would add that it most certainly IS possible to be "modern" without losing what is unique in a country and its culture's traditions. In fact, what it means to be modern really is a subject of discussion in and of itself. There are those who might argue that the most technologically advanced, wealthiest, and highly developed countries are not only "not modern" in some respects, but outright barbaric by other standards. Good post.