Saturday, February 11, 2006

From the Mailbox

As the moderator for this blog site, I also manage the site's email account. I probably should check the email account more regularly, since comments to postings get forwarded to this email account which alerts me when someone comments on an older posting; but sometimes the pace of the world around me gets the better of my intentions to do so.

In any event, I received a very nice comment from Taylor Kirk out of New York a couple of weeks back, who has a blogsite very similar to the Cuaderno Latinoamericano that she manages out of NYU.

It's actually a fine blog and I'd like to point it out to all of this blog's readers. Its called The Latin Americanist and I encourage you to check it out. I'll also be adding Taylor's blogsite to our own blogroll in the right column for continued reference.

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