Sunday, February 05, 2006


I'm not sure if anyone else grew up with the "Coke used to have cocaine in it" rumor, but being from Georgia Coke was fairly omnipresent in my childhood, and myths abounded (I just looked it up and a mildly reputable source, "The Unauthorized History of Coca-Cola," says that it is true.).

Well, the Nasa (one of the indigenous groups in Colombia) are following in Coke's footsteps (and coke was unwittingly following in theirs when it was first made), with coca-based or -infused tea, cookies, ointments, wine, and soda.

"Nasa leaders hope that, by offering a safe and legal alternative market [for coca leaves sold to narcotraffickers], they can divert coca leaf from becoming cocaine."

The article goes on to describe the various obstacles the products (under the brand 'Coca Sek') are facing, as well as describing some of the traditional uses of the coca leaf. Click here for the article

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