Thursday, February 21, 2008

International Mother Language Day

Yesterday was International Mother Language Day in Panama. Coincidentally, we spoke about the topic of language in class on Wednesday ad how it characterized ethnicity and its obvious impact in communication. I found out about this on Unicef's website which also mentions that 2008 has been named the "International Year of Languages" by the UN to promote retention of indigenous languages, obviously an important topic in Latin America where indigenous languages are disappearing with time.

1 comment:

Don said...

FYI, I posted a link to this entry on a list of blogs that mention the International Year of Languages. I think that more broadly, the IYL has a number of purposes related to linguistic diversity and the simple awareness of the importance of languages in various forms of activity. The situations of indigenous and endangered languages are of great concern, but unless we think and act more re the roles and use of all languages, we're simply going to have more and more endangered languages to worry about. (Hope that makes sense.)