Friday, February 01, 2008

US Losing Popularity in its own Neighborhood?

According to the Boston Herald, America may not be as welcome on the block as they might like to think.

Latinoamericanos "accuse Uncle Sam of neglecting their needs at the same time they chastise us for unwelcome meddling." Latin America feels like America isn't working on their side. Given Castro's reign in Cuba (now turned over to his brother Raul) and Chavez's popularity in Venezuela, other LA countries are likely to join their anti-american alliance. These countries include Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador, Cuba, and Dominica who are considering becoming "a unified military force."

Their support extends beyond Latin America, however. The article describes Chavez as being "chummy" with Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, another enemy of American politics. In addition, China is pledging $100 billion to Latin America and the Caribbean region over the next decade. It seems as if America is becoming out-numbered in their own side of the world.

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