Thursday, February 07, 2008

More Carnival... Why I Love Brazil

Viviane Castro, drum queen for another samba school, set a record by dancing with a 1.6-inch “sex cover” — the smallest ever used in a samba parade. The “sex cover” is a G-string affixed by glue instead of a string.

I know the last post was also about Carnival in Trindad and Brazil, and someone had posted earlier about the Hitler float that was banned in Rio. I am posting links to two articles. One that follows up on the Hitler float group, Viradouro, and the other that talks about this years winner, Beija-Flor, and more about the event itself. The first link is particularly ridiculous and I laughed out loud just reading it because of the way it portrays Brazil. Can you say stereotypes?

Show goes on for criticized Rio Carnival float

Beija Flor made Brazil carnival champion

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