Saturday, January 21, 2006

Latin America and the United States

Article available here.

The article above speaks of issues dealing with Cuba, Neo-liberalism and anti-American resentment in Latin American. With all the recent elections of liberal leaders in Latin America (Morales-Bolivia, NĂ©stor Kirchner-Argentina, Michelle Bachelet-Chile), whom have anti-American feelings, what is to come of the future relations between the US and Latin America- Particularly if we have another Republican President??

Another article in the New York Times, brings up the issue of energy taken from Latin American countries, i did not even realize that the US was so dependent on Latin America for so much of its energy.

"The United States imports nearly 50 percent of its oil from Latin America and Canada, whether it's from Mexico, Canada, Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador, or natural gas from Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Bolivia or Peru."

article available here.

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