Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Increased Violence in Haiti

Here is a New York Times article about recent, increased violence in Haiti.

For me, this article is sort of an eye-opener to how little I know about Latin America. I think that K-12 history classes in the US do a fairly good job of covering the history of the US, select European nations, Russia, some Asian countries, the Middle East, and even Africa. But, I realized after reading it that I know almost nothing about the history of Haiti. To better understand some of the key events and people that are referred to in the article, I skimmed Wikipedia, but I couldn’t exactly make out every detail. All I could get was that there was a major split after Aristide. Now the interim government is trying to setup elections, trying to promote democracy, but the elite have raised guerilla troops to delay the elections. UN “peacekeepers” seem to be having little success.

I encourage people who are more familiar with Haiti history to post comments and give a more detailed account of what’s going on right now.

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