Thursday, March 17, 2005

Inter-American Prejudices

Despite the Anglo-Germanic's world willingness to lump Latin America into one large whole, the Latin American region is wildly separate. Nearly two centuries of animosities have created lasting prejudices between different nationalities; these are so deeply ingrained that they have become difficult to overcome.

These animosities are passed on from generation to generation in a very casual way. Children are trained to hate certain groups simply because of the national labels that they take up. Colombians end up looking down at Peruvians, Cubans at Dominicans, Mexicans at Guatemalans, and Argetinians at everyone else. While these have softened over the years, they are still quite strong. Latin-Americans are a very nationalist and proud people, and it will be difficult for these strong detachments from their neighbors to wane and vanish.

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