Monday, March 28, 2005

Born Into Brothels

I saw a documentary about the children in the Indian red light district called Born Into Brothels. I really enjoyed this documentary a lot and I recommend all to see it. This documentary didn't have anything directly to do with Latin America, but while I was watching the movie I couldn't help but think of Latin America, particularly the movie Men with Guns. Watching the documentary gave you a sense of absolute injustice and anger, but it also gives you a sense of perplexing confusion and helplessness. These children seem doomed despite their goals and desires to repeat the same destructive life that their parents have. Men with Guns has that same feeling, that no matter what the outsiders attempt to do, the situation is so terrible that nothing can help them. Furthermore, I sort of felt that feeling of cycles in Latin American political and economic past sort of echoes that sort of feeling.

Just some thoughts. Go see the movie if you get the chance.

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