Thursday, March 10, 2005

Costa Rican bank robbery

Here's an article about a bank robbery in Costa Rica that ended with numerous deaths. This is a sad and shocking thing, but what is more shocking, on a personal level, is that I have actually been in this bank. I wasn't entirely sure this was the same bank until the article ended with the fact that it is the only bank in Santa Elena. This was the first bank I went to in Costa Rica, and the first thing I noticed was the armed guard at the door. Granted, most bank guards have guns, but for some reason I always noticed it more when I was down there.
The other unfortunate thing about this situation is that this other article identifies several of the robbers as Nicaraguan. Nicas do not have a good reputation in Costa Rica and this will probably only make it worse. Nicas have the stereotype often associated with indigenous and immigrant groups, namely they're poor, they're lazy, they're criminals. This incident will only serve to reinforce this image to many Ticos.

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