Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Cuban Cigars

Because we were discussing Cuban cigars in class (or at our late lunch?), I decided to research a little about their origins. Cigars and tobacco in general were a New World phenomena, and the first "sikars" were crudely made from plantain leaves and tobacco by indigenous tribes like the Mayans. Columbus' crew got addicted to the Indians' tobacco, and soon it was being introduced to Europe and then shipped from the Americas. The popularity of the cigar, however, rose markedly after merchants realized that tobacco in cigar form better retained its freshness. Previously everyone smoked from pipes despite monarchs and leaders like Phillip of Spain, for example, that early on condemned the practice probably for its addictive and therefore un-Catholic qualities.

For much more info about Cuban cigars, go to this really good site that's kind of a cuban cigar aficionado ratings log as well.

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