Friday, February 18, 2005

Spreading the War on Terror to Latin America

Ever Since September 11, 2001, the US has been waging a war on terror. In class during the lecture, El Hefe Maximo mentioned that since 2001, the US has been trying to impose its attitude toward terrorism and its perception of an imminent global threat of terrorism on Latin America. The US is now using the pacts that were formerly used to make a coalition against Russia and its Cold War allies, pacts such as the Rio-Pact and the OAS, to fight against terrorism instead of the Cold War.

Donald Rumsfeld tried, unsuccessfully, to turn the Inter-American Defense Board into a multi-national army against terror in the Western Hemisphere. In doing this, Rumsfeld's multi-national army will be breaking precedent and constitutional laws of using military in "domestic policy and spying operations." Rumsfeld stated that since terrorism does not recognize international boarders, then breaking them for the protection against terrorism is justified. This is a perfect example of the historical trend of the US trying to push Latin America around in a Realist fashion.

This article is extremely informative and has a lot more information that we spoke about in class, with regards to international policy that sounds a lot like what went on in the Drago Doctrine, as well as the five phases of Latin American-US relations.

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