Friday, February 25, 2005

Feeling Lucky?

Rape charges were recently dismissed against three Pakistani peacekeepers in Haiti. Instead, UN and Haitian investigators concluded that two of the soldiers had solicited sex with a 23 year-old woman while the other merely hung around. Nonetheless, since prostitution is illegal for troops, this trio can be expected to be repatriated.

In the midst of all that has plagued the UN (Iraq Oil-for-food) and Haiti (300+ prison break), nobody really needs any of this. Still, at least the Haitians could take comfort in the fact that things are worse elsewhere, as the Congolese (excluding Sudan) are discovering about their UN peacekeepers with rampant charges of incompetence, rape & pedophilia flying about. Haiti may have just let somebody fall beneath them for the very bottom spot of the food chain.

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