Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mexican Quisine

Mexican food, in my opinion, is some of the most delectable on the planet. I come from a town with a high Mexican population, and therefore I've always been spoiled with the seven or eight local Mexican restaurants in my small town. Anytime I go, I can get an enchilada suiza (Swiss Enchilada), rice, beans, and chips and salsa for around 7 or eight dollars. More info on enchilada suizas: . Overall the Mexican cuisine interests me more than any other. I love all the different chiles shredded into cheese and different meats. This internet blog is about different aspects of Mexican dishes and has some really interesting articles on their preparation: . Finally, the most interesting article I found describes the general food culture in Mexico City from a personal perspective: . I think the writer of the last article was influenced by the food he had been eating at the time :). His description of the lasagna made with special goat meat made my mouth water as I read it. I also enjoyed his description of the open market. I remember when people in my class came back from the Mexico trip to Guadalajara and talked about all the open air markets where fresh fish and meats could be bought for miniscule prices. Though I have yet to go to a Latin American country, I hope to soon both for the language benefits and to delve further into Latin American cuisine, especially Mexican.

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