Saturday, February 17, 2007

Paraguayan Women and Tall Tales

On a lighter post, I read this article about a Paraguayan women who made up a story about her husband being eaten by a boa constrictor. Apparently, the lady had reported to a radio talk show in Puerto Piasco that a 10 meter long boa constrictor had eaten her husband as he was boating in a river. She then claims that after wrapping him up and eating him, locals helped to kill the snake and retrieve the man's remains. In the end, the story gained national attention and was even printed on the front pages of many newspapers. Upon this fame, the lady began to ask for donations for her and her three children. Ultimately, a state prosecutor found the story to be fabricated and found the husband alive and well working on a ranch. The lady aknowledges that she made up the story, but justified it due to the fact that "she felt abandoned." And thats what makes the news these days.

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