Tuesday, October 07, 2008

yerba mate

Yerba mate is a popular beverage across Argentina and Uruguay and parts of Chile and Brazil. It can be drunk sweet or bitter or with coffee or juice, and is usually a social activity (much like hookah is in the Middle East). Normally, the mate (gourd in which it is served) is filled nearly to the brim with yerba (the tea leaves) and then soaked in hot water and passed around, each person emptying the gourd and passing it back to the server to refill it. It is commonly consumed with cookies or crackers.

1 comment:

B. S. Bailey said...

I was converted to mate drinking a couple of years ago, but still have mixed feelings relating to the effects of mate drinking on one's body, both good and bad. I know that mate drinkers in Latin America are far more attached to their beverage than coffee drinkers are in America are to their coffee. Therefore, if someone was to tell a devout coffee drinker that coffee was a carcinogen, the coffeeholic would be skeptical to say the very least. Imagine telling an argentino that mate causes cancer, no way would he believe you, but it’s still worth checking out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yerba_mate