Friday, October 17, 2008

Police held thirty-four illegal Central American immigrants under custody until an angry crowd of hundreds of people in Mexico attacked the police. They did so in order to protect the immigrants after hearing that police allegedly sold them to human smugglers for $100 each. This occurred in the rural town of Rafael Lara Grajales, Puebla, as police forced the thirty-four immigrants into a van. Rioters set fire to a patrol car, a motorcycle, and a truck, and police responded to this attack with tear gas. 

The migrants were able to escape due to the ensuing chaos, although twenty-one were promptly taken under custody again. Police are searching for the other thirteen immigrants. Central Americans often suffer such abuse while crossing Mexico on their travel to the United States; although on a rare occasion do Mexicans offer such protection to these victims. To read more detail about this occurrence one can follow this link

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