Sunday, April 01, 2007

"Argentina Pushes Diplomacy in New Falkland Bid"

It seems that President Kirchner of Argentina has asked the United Nations and other international bodies for help in the territory dispute over the Falkland or Malvinas islands. Historically, a point of contention between the British and the Argentinians, the dispute resulted in a 1982 war that resulted in the death of over 700 British and Argentinian troops. Kirchner, the first leader of the nation to pursue this matter via diplomacy, hopes that a fair verdict can be reached. Kirchner claims that they have never acknowledged the British claim to the land and, as a result, is illegitimate. This is interesting because it is reminiscent of the colonial rule of the Americas. Further, it shows Argentina's desire to seek a conclusion via international law instead of violence. It will be interesting to see how this case is resolved. It is a big issue for the region especially pertaining to navigation and fishing rights around the islands.

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