Sunday, June 04, 2006


The cultural exchange we have been talking about lately continues to exist increasingly with globalization. One can see an example of this through the Otavalos. Otavalos are one of the most representative Ecuadorian indigenous communities. They posses a unique identity and believe in progress, in the possibility of better standards of living. In their quest to find this they have had to search more possibilities aborad due to the difficult situation in Ecuador. It is really impressive to see them all over the world. They are all over Europe, Asia and the United States. Their tapestries and hand crafts have been of great success and have provided them with the financial means to expand their businesses and continue to seek for more opportunities around the globe. They have allowed the world to see part of the Ecuadorian culture and also helped immensely to the development of the small towns in the highlands. Currently the "remesas" (the money they send to their families in Ecuador) are the second source of income of the country.

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