Friday, September 18, 2009

Healthcare in Mexico and how our changes might affect Latino immigrants

I thought it might be interesting to look at the healthcare systems in some countries we will be studying. I know the thought getting sick in a foreign country has always terrified me, just because I never thought a poorer country could have the same healthcare quality as the US. I was surprised to see positive descriptions of Mexico, El Salvador, and Nicaragua's healthcare systems. I think they are probably more directed to tourists being able to get care there, but I was still impressed with how the doctors are trained and reviewed. I also thought about the Mexican teenager, who died after a transplant at Duke due to a blood type mismatch. I then remembered all of the arguments over her family's right to sue since they were not citizens of the US and what not. I also believe she had gotten here illegally, so that increased the controvesy. I am wondering how that situation will be handled once our healthcare system is reformed, especially since many Americans have concerns over their tax dollars going to treat illiegal immigrants' health issues. The whole healthcare debate has definitely brought illegal immigrant issues back on the table. I agree with this concern, but I also do not want the Latino immigrants to suffer even more than they already do when it comes to healthcare. I am interested to find out what will happen in regards to all of these healthcare issues.

Articles about healthcare in Latin America:
El Salvador

Finally, a New York Times article on healthcare reform and the illegal immigrant debate.

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