Friday, March 02, 2007

Rigoberta Menchu

I was looking up Rigoberta Menchu online to find out a little bit about her in light of our assignment to read her book, I, Rigoberta Menchu, An Indian Woman in Guatemala. Apparently, there was some controversy over the accuracy of her autobiography which prompted the publishing of another book in 1999 called Rigoberta Menchu and the Story of All Poor Guatemalans. But the controversy wasn't substantial enough to revoke her 1992 Nobel Peace Prize. In my opinion, most stories that make an impact are often somewhat altered. When anyone tells a story, they alter small details, simplify facts and add what is necessary to the story so that the listener gets the impact of it, and so the listener can feel somewhat like how the narrator felt. The purpose of a story is to get people to realize something they didn't know before, move them to action or inspire emotions within them that they have not had before. I would say that Rigoberta has succeeded in shedding light on some very tragic circumstances. You can read more here.

Wikipedia Article on Rigoberta Menchu

Nobel Peace Prize Biography

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