Friday, April 29, 2005

Local Discussion about Hugo Chavez

In today's Times-Picayune there is an article entitled "With Venezuela 'problems' expected: Democracy faces test in Latin America," along with a picture of Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. The article is about a recent meeting during which, New Orleans' appointed consul to Venezuela asked members of the State Department why the United States does not support the democratic government of Hugo Chavez. The answer was that Chavez has not done anything to "endear" himself to the United States, especially because Chavez's government has close ties to Castro's Cuba. Also cited was a recent announcement that Venezuela plans to purchase 100,000 assault rifles. Tulane's diplomat in residence, Joseph Sullivan, was mentioned in the article in defense of U.S. attitudes towards Chavez for reasons such as Venezuela's recent limitations on freedom of press.

1 comment:

Jomal said...

I think that VENEZUELA: ‘We are on the way towards socialism' published in the Macalister From Green Left Weekly, 20/07/05, is very good.

In this text Ruben Dario Linares Silva, a member of Venezuela's National Union of Workers (UNT) leadership committee, was interviewed by Jorge Martin from the British Hands Off Venezuela campaign at the end of June.

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