Wednesday, March 12, 2008

All is well

I know a couple people have already posted about this (including myself, for last week), but I just wanted to follow up about it. I think it is very interesting to see how quickly Ecuador, Columbia and Venezuela have seemed to calm their demeanors after the breach of sovereignty that occurred last week. They were all fired up about last week, but it seems that they have reached their peace over the issue. It make one wonder if their reactions were a little much, when they resolved their problems so easily. My previous post made mention of how this event reflected how important land is to the identity of a nation, but I now pose the question: are these countries really concerned about their land with regards to their national identity or are they using their land as a way to appear to be a tough guy? It seemed as though Ecuador wanted to "pound its chest" (as Mateo deftly said in class) after there was a slight infringement on its territory. It is certainly up for debate. Here is an article that talks about their resolution:

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