Friday, September 22, 2006

Millennium Development Goals & the WTC

I just found this, so it may have been commented on before:
The UN has released its 2006 report on the Millennium Development Goals. For anyone interested in development (and I'd have to assume that's a great lot of the people reading/writing this blog), it's very interesting to see what these goals are (if you haven't already been following them) and how far they've come to meeting them. These goals are very ambitious but significant headway has been made on them.
More information can be found on the site linked above and also at the Wikipedia site here.

The other thing I would like to mention is that I am currently serving an internship at the World Trade Center downtown. The organization puts on various functions year-round and has special student (and academic) rates. If anyone wants any more information about the organization, I'd be glad to fill you in (though I just started there and might not have the latest scoop). On Monday we host a delegation of Venezuelan businessmen -- it should be very interesting!

Hope all is well in the LAST world there.

1 comment:

Huck said...

Amber - Great to hear from you! Great also that you've posted again! Glad to hear all is well.