Sunday, April 16, 2006

William Brownfield

On April 12, 2006, the United States carrier fleet, USS George Washington Group, entered the Caribbean in what the Bush administration claims as a commitment to the region. (Article here.) The strategic Southern Command based in Miami reported that the task force was reassigned to the area to help with immigration and drugs while having the “opportunity for us to touch base with our partner countries.” Others regard the move as a show of force toward Venezuelan President Hugo Chaves, who has consistently come under fire from the Bush administration for his different style of governing.

This other article is particularly interesting because it reports on the current U.S. ambassador to Venezuela, William Brownfield. The Texas native, Brownfield was previously assigned to both Chile and Argentina, and he has served on several commissions regarding human rights to drug trafficking. Regardless, in the 1980s Brownfield played a crucial role at the U.S.embassy in El Salvador which was infamous for its aid of the right-wing government in its war with the FMLN. Many believe the embassy directed military engagements, and was responsible for political assassinations.

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