Monday, November 12, 2007

Wilson (Chuck) Lucom bequeaths to and highlists starving Panamanian children.

Wilson (Chuck) Lucom a rich landowner who married into the " Prominent Panamanian Arias family" died leaving all of his riches to children starving in panama. His widow will try to reclaim the estate however.


Anonymous said...

UPDATE: Lucom's team has posted an updated report.

"The Report discloses a plan to illegally nullify and defeat the Last Will and Testament
of Wilson C. Lucom (“Lucom”), which left the bulk of his $50.0 Million fortune to feed the malnourished and starving poor children of Panama. The defeat of this gift would then result in the $50.0 fortune passing to one of Panama’s most elite and powerful families, the children of Hilda Arias and their attorneys, Hector Infante and Edna Ramos (“the Arias Group”)."

Anonymous said...

Browse full 500 page Legal Exhibit for Wilson Lucom case.
These documents were presented to the jury for inspection.

This report is in english

This is a real story about Panama's most elite and powerful familes plan to illegally nulify the Last Will and Testament of American Wilson Lucom, which left the bulk of his $50 million fortune to feed the malnourished and starving poor children of Panama. This is TRUE, and happening right now.

mdaultry said...

UPDATE on Wilson "Chuck" Lucom case: This report posted July 12, 2010 from the Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA)
Hungry for Justice: Corrupt Courts in Panama Deny Impoverished Children $50 Million in Inheritance

Mary said...

I just saw this update on the case -- after all these years.

Hungry for Justice: Corrupt Courts in Panama Deny Impoverished Children $50 Million in Inheritance
by COHA Research Associates Alexander Brockwehl & Devin Parsons

• Feisty Miami Lawyer Takes on Panama’s Political Mafia
• Panama’s Financial Carnivores Salivate over $50 million Bequest
• The Country’s Corrupt Judicial Establishment in Deep Distress