Saturday, May 28, 2005

Bolivian Rap

I was reading through the New York Times and I found an interesting article that reminded me of a hip hop article we read for my Latin American Studies class.

The article speaks of the indigenous people of El Alto, Bolivia where a burgeoning rap culture with a political message has been slowly growing. They criticize the injustice of the rocky political history of Bolivia in an attempt to inspire revolution and change within their country. It is especially interesting in this area because the rap culture (baggy clothes and what not) contrasts sharply with the traditional indian dress of the indigenous people.

Here is the article:


Huck said...

You made my day! I was wondering if anyone would post something once the obligation to do so had passed with the end of the term. Thanks! And I hope you will continue to post every now and then, too.

Estebandido said...

Have you heard the group Azul Azul. I believe they are from Santa Cruz rather than El Alto and had a big international Latin American hit - one of the few from a Bolivian group. I think they were considered a rap group but are probably more closely related to reggaeton.